We’re here to HELP people across the Harrogate district live safe and well
and stay connected with their communities
Here to HELP
We provide information and signposting for people wanting to access local services and activities
Help at Home
Our gardening, decorating and basic repair service assists residents across the Harrogate District. All tasks are carried out by volunteers with support from one of our supervisors.
Transport services
Our voluntary car drivers with our two driving services help passengers unable to access public transport due to mobility or location. We assist people across the Harrogate District.
Ripon & Rural Befriending
We offer befriending visits in Ripon and the surrounding rural areas at times when people may need a little more support e.g. after bereavement, during ill health or after discharge from hospital
Download our leaflets
If you require information to pass on to a friend, colleague or relative, you can download our service leaflets here
Volunteer with us
Whether you wish to become a regular volunteer or just lend a hand occasionally, there are lots of ways in which you can make a difference to the people we support from practical roles to office based volunteering.
Latest news
Find out what we've been up to recently
Gardening help
Need practical work in and around the home? Get Help at Home on the case