Do you have difficulty getting in and out of your home, accessing the bath or struggle getting up and down the stairs? Then a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) might be the answer.

Harrogate Borough Council has received more funding from the Government to help people live in their homes independently. All you need to do is be assessed by an Occupational Therapist before an application for a DFG is made. The OT can confirm that the applicant needs the adaptation which can be anything from a stair lift, to a wet room, to a ramp, and even some house extensions.

If you are in receipt of certain benefits you could have up to £30,000 of work done through this scheme. If you need something costing less than £5,000 then this is not means tested so free to anyone who needs it. This applies whether you are a home-owner, in rented accommodation or an HBC tenant.

To be referred for an OT assessment please call North Yorkshire County Council on 01609 780780. To find out more about a Disabled Facilities Grant contact Harrogate Borough Council on 01423 500600 extension 56899 or email