A two year partnership between HELP and three Sainsbury’s stores in Harrogate has raised and incredible £7,200 to support older and disabled people in the District. The Wetherby Road superstore and the Leeds Road and Cold Bath Road Local stores have donated the money via their carrier bag scheme, in store initiatives and collecting tins at the tills.

HELP is delighted to have been chosen by the Leeds Road and Wetherby Road stores as their Local Charity Partner for a third year and is looking forward to another 12 months of fundraising and profile raising opportunities.

Frances Elliot, Manager at HELP, said: “Working with Sainsbury’s has opened up some incredible opportunities for fundraising. But beyond that, the partnership has allowed us to raise our profile to a whole new group of people who have become clients, volunteers and supporters. In addition, the Sainsbury’s staff have given their time to come and volunteer with our Help at Home team and made an incredible difference to some of our clients who are in real need of a helping hand.”

Watch this space for more updates on our work with Sainsbury’s both in Harrogate and Ripon!